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Profile for Aggieangler

Lamonte....you big dummy...get out and find me some collectibles.......
GeneralDisplay PicFriends
ID:10872Display Pic
F Domo [16802]
F Mrs. Caveman [2041]
F NACLH20 [14355]
F BlackCutlass [12901]
F Sydgage [1737]
F PegLeg {NI} [13410]
F Eman [12559]
F Cap'n J [12635]
F Dr Syn [1357]
F ShaneV [1009]
F Pennywise [13367]
F Lazy 'ol Norm [14494]
Member Type:Member
Signed Up:27 Nov 2007, 9:36:34 pm
Last Active:15 Dec 2023, 9:19:49 pm
Last Action:354 days ago
Days Old:6216
PhysicalOptions Trophies / Collectibles

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5x 1000 Bold Gars
20x 3 Gallons of Deckwash
4x 4th of July Snowball
1x 8 Abandoned Cans of Paint
2x Apple Pie Slice
10x Babelfish & Hägar's Re-used Moving Crate
2x Babelfish & Hägar's Used Moving Crate
6x Babelfishes 3 Ton Candy Filled Pumpkin
4x Battle-worn Belaying Pin
2x Bill's Barnacle
1x Binary T-Shirt
3x Birthday Cake with 1 Candle
3x Birthday Cake with 2 Candles
2x Birthday Cake with 3 Candles
1x Birthday Cake with 5 Candles
3x Black-Eyed Buggus' Braining Spoon
1x Brig Master Key: La Evangelista
1x Brig Master Key: Secret Cove
1x Broken New Year Resolution
1x Bronze Booty Point
1x Bronze Cannonball
2x Bronze Harpoon
2x Bronze Kraken Tentacle
1x Bronze Lollipop
2x Bronze Pearl
3x Bronze Shark Fin
1x Bronze Shark Hook
1x Bronze Tarball
1x Candy Cane
3x Cannonball Magnet
3x Charlemagne's Blood Drenched Sword
2x Dodo Bird
7x Engraved Tankard
2x Famous Last Words
1x Five Black Roses
1x Four Black Roses
1x Frankenstorm in a Jar
1x Freedoms
1x Ghostly Chain
8x Gold Pocket Watch
1x Golden Bootleg Bandit
3x Golden Booty Point
1x Golden Cannon Drizzle
2x Golden Cannonball
4x Golden Harpoon
2x Golden Kraken Tentacle
1x Golden Lollipop
3x Golden Shark Fin
3x Golden Shark Hook
4x Golden Tarball
5x Hägar the Horrible's Haunted Helmet
3x Hägar's Eye Patch
1x Hair of the Dog
5x Half Eaten Turkey Leg
3x Hangover
3x Hangover Cure
5x Humbug
3x Jack-o-lantern
4x Just Sayin...
6x Lol Wut
4x Magic 8 Ball
2x Mattyboombatty's Howlin Full Moon
1x Mayan Calendar
1x Midnight's Lost Locket
25x Mistletoe
2x Naughty List
1x Pilgrim Pirate's Compass
2x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2007)
21x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2008)
3x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2009)
7x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2010)
2x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2011)
1x Pirate Dictionary Page (TLAP Day 2012)
10x Pirate Party Hat
5x Pirate Party Popper
8x Pirate Sized Tissue
1x Pumpkin Pie Slice
1x Pumpkin Seed
1x Rubber Ducky
16x Rusty Razor
4x Salty Mashed Potatoes
3x Sam Houston's Codpiece
6x Seasick Turkey
2x Seawater Soaked Wedding Planner
11x Shipwreck in a Bottle
1x Silver Bootleg Bandit
1x Silver Booty Cannon
3x Silver Booty Point
1x Silver Cannon Drizzle
1x Silver Cannonball
1x Silver Chakotay
2x Silver Harpoon
2x Silver Kraken Tentacle
1x Silver Lollipop
1x Silver Rising Tide
2x Silver Shark Fin
1x Silver Shark Hook
2x Silver Tarball
3x Single Black Rose
3x Smashed Pumpkin
3x Soggy Tinsel
1x Solar Flare
1x Star Spangled Cannonball
7x Sticky Tarball
5x Substitute Crew Name Badge
5x Sun Bleached Skull - Halloween 2008
41x The Fish That Got Away
6x Three Black Roses
1x Tricorner Tinfoil Hat
4x Turkey Jerky
4x Two Black Roses
4x Velvet Rose
Flotilla:Ghost Flotilla
Crew Health:50/50
Flotilla Banner
Aggieangler's Friends Comments
F Domo [16802]
5 Mar 2018 6:31:26 pm
OMG look who is out of the dry dock!!
F MadMardigan [14528]
9 Nov 2011 9:58:15 pm
Last Action: 22 days ago ...... ouch!! :-(
F Doc Walker [11282]
28 Mar 2011 12:24:51 pm
You have looted Aggieangler's ship, gaining 14.891% experience. :P
F ms.BEHAVIN [15468]
13 Feb 2011 10:07:19 am
You sent Aggieangler 1 Parrot Sock ;)
F Doc Walker [11282]
28 Jan 2011 7:02:43 am
Congratulations on The Flying Dutchman! Round 9
F Doc Walker [11282]
27 Dec 2010 3:08:45 am
AggieAngler has become a hero! You have looted ElMafu69's ship, gaining 3.966% experience.
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